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Has anyone seen the recent news notice of a study from New Zealand about a 20% to 30% increased chance of MI or stroke from calcium supplementation with or without support from Vit D. Seems like a double edged sword for women (and men) who take the supplementation for osteoporosis.


Any comment?


From Ron Rosedale, MD's 1999 seminar talk Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects: (http://www.afibbers.org/forum/read.php?f=10&i=1&t=1)

"Let's talk about osteoporosis. You take a bunch of calcium. The medical profession just assumes that it has a homing device and it knows to go into your bone. What happens if you have high levels of insulin and you take a bunch of calcium? Number one, most of it is just going to go out in your urine. You would be lucky if that were the case, because that part which doesn't does not have the instructions to go to your bone, because the anabolic hormones aren't working. This is first of all because of insulin, then because of the IgF's from growth hormone, also testosterone and progesterone; they are all controlled by insulin, and when the cells are insulin resistant, they can't listen to any of the anabolic hormones. So your body doesn't know how to build tissue anymore, so some of the calcium may end up in your bone, but a good deal of it will end up everywhere else: metastatic calcifications, including in your arteries."


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