The AFIB Report

Your premier information resource for atrial fibrillation


Number 125
April/May 2013
13th Year

This issue features a report by fellow afibber Michael W. who nearly died from spontaneous, internal bleeding caused by Pradax (Pradaxa, dabigatran). It is now abundantly clear that the new anticoagulants – Pradaxa (dabigatran), Xarelto (rivaroxaban), and Eliquis (apixaban) should never have been approved for marketing before an effective antidote to stop bleeding was readily available. This is just another example of the seeming inability of the FDA and Health Canada to protect the public against dangerous drugs.

I just came across a full-page ad for Celebrex (celecoxib). Celebrex is mainly used for pain control in rheumatoid arthritis. In the summer of 2001 (12 years ago) researchers at the Cleveland Clinic warned that Celebrex increases the relative risk of experiencing a heart attack by 54%. Since then, conclusive evidence has emerged proving that Pfizer, the manufacturer of Celebrex, suppressed clinical research that clearly showed that the drug greatly increases the risk of suffering a heart attack. In 2005 the FDA asked Pfizer to suspend television advertising for Celebrex for 2 years – as if this would make the drug less dangerous!! Now apparently, it is OK to advertise this dangerous drug again.

Also in this issue we report that yoga may be helpful for adrenergic afibbers, the risk of an AF-related stroke peaks during the winter, and that using a smartphone app can help detect AF episodes. A new protocol for preventing adrenergically-mediated AF episodes is reviewed.

Last but not least, if you need to restock your supplements, please remember that by ordering through my on-line vitamin store you will be helping to defray the cost of maintaining the web site and bulletin board. You can find the store at - your continuing support is very much appreciated. Wishing you good health and lots of NSR,


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The AFIB Report