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Posted by lisa s 
August 02, 2017 12:34AM
What is a good toothpaste for us?

I haven't used a toothpaste with fluoride since my parents foisted it on me in Jr. High. I bought Colgate powder then, out of my allowance. Baking soda is too abrasive to use all the time , so I'm looking for a brand that works better than a toothbrush alone, and won't trigger an episode.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 09:36AM
Lisa - Baking soda is not too abrasive. It just feels that way. It does not harm the enamel and is often included in "natural" toothpaste formulas. Used plain, it's certainly economical and does a great job of neutralizing oral over-acidity.

Always read labels to be sure there is no fluoride.

Also avoid SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate.

Popular is Tom's of Maine and Jason Powersmile.

They typically add something like calcium carbonate for a mild abrasiveness for cutting through heavy plaque efficiently.

Be sure you brush at least twice a day and floss every night before bed. smiling smiley

Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 11:27AM
I use Toms of Maine Fluoride Free "Sensitive" Toothpaste; but it does have SLS. I have not been able to find another Sensitive toothpaste that was fluoride free.

I also use Eco-Dent Gentle Floss (fluoride free) Premium Floss with all natural essential oils - Mint, 100% Vegan waxed (Non-beeswax and non-mineral wax.)
Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 01:12PM
One of the things that helps eliminate or reverse the sensitive teeth problem is alkalizing regularly with the magnesium bicarbonate water (WW), so your system remains continually at an alkaline pH... versus acidic... if your oral tissue and saliva is acidic, then that erodes enamel near the cemento-enamel junction.. (CEJ)... near the gumline and CEJ and root surface tend to become more sensitive because outer coating is not as dense and hard as the enamel of the crown of the tooth.

This assumes, of course, that you remove plaque daily ...otherwise, that, in and of itself is acidic and erodes tooth structure which also allows sensitivity to occur at the CEJ and root surface called cementum.

Always avoid fluoride because of the overall toxicity, interference with thyroid function and esp. if you have arrhythmia.

Lethal fluoride doses cause death to occur by "natural causes" such as cardiac arrest, or acute renal failure or (for those who believe that cancer is a "natural cause" of death), by cancer. Fluoride binds to and possibly mimics calcium, but fluoride is a liar. The heart cells utilize a perfect balance of calcium and magnesium and other natural substances in the body's matrix to cause the heart to beat and then rest. Fluoride, bound to the calcium, confuses the normal functioning and cellular communication within the body, and causes arrhythmias.
Source: [rense.com]

Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 03:58PM
I use GOOD-GUMS TOOTH POWDER and My Magic Mud toothpaste. Been using them for a couple of months. I like them both equally. Look them up. I buy mine off of Ebay.
Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 06:08PM
The reference cited by Jackie rense.com seems like a paranoid rant. There are two theses in the article. First, that the pharmaceutical industry is colluding with the government in poisoning the population so that they can sell medications to counteract the suffering. Second, that the threat of being assassinated(!) by fluoride is so significant that the following actions should be taken:

I would suggest that we all safeguard ourselves by saving urine specimens 12 hours after dental visits, or after any event that leads to unexpected illness, such as dining out . . . or perhaps even after dining in. Saving urine samples will provide us with potential documentation, and documentation removes some of the invisibility and motivation from any would-be murderer or assassin who presumes he or she knows exactly how to get away with murder in the United States.
Source: rense.com
Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 10:11PM
Well I don't believe that 70% of the U.S. is being forced to receive fluoride in their H20. I for one has had well water all my life, there are many people that have wells, all of my neighbors do, my brothers do I had thyroid problems and also have AF in spite of having a well and no fluoride.

Re: Toothpaste
August 02, 2017 10:46PM
Are they referring to 70% of the U.S that are on city or county water ? People on well water need to have their wells checked for all kinds of parasites / microbes / chemicals etc. I'm on county water, and filter my drinking water for the last 3 yrs. Free from buying cases of bottled water.
Re: Toothpaste
August 03, 2017 02:14PM
I'm busy on another project, but wanted to respond and call attention to the importance of recognizing that fluoride is detrimental to the health of humans and animals.

I continue to be amazed at the people who are in denial over the fluoride toxicity potential. The majority of people including those drinking fluoridated water are unaware of the detrimental effects. Take the time to become informed.

Opinions are not facts.

There are numerous archived past posts on this topic. The following links provides excellent historical background. You can search the General Forum here and the other afib side for the word, “Fluoride” and find an abundance of substantiation…including that it’s contained in the antiarrhythmic drug, flecainide and the amount of serum fluoride increased after ingestion... found in a small study.

Fluoride is found to accumulate and is toxic to the brain’s pineal gland where it calcifies and also interferes with melatonin production which results in interrupted sleep cycles. Melatonin is a neuro-protectant so thinking about that interference with regard to aging and diminishing brain function offers good reasons to learn more and take preventive measures to reduce known sources and exposures. Fluoride is also toxic to the thyroid gland and can inhibit function. Just a few of many reasons to avoid fluoride.

My alert on fluoride/flecainide is at this link [www.afibbers.org]

Reliable source information:

David Kennedy, DDS has been reporting on fluoride risks and dangers for many years. Many links and video clips.

[www.cleanwatersonomamarin.org] - click on all the tabs in the FACTS heading

Fluoride Action Network… follow all the links [fluoridealert.org]
You Tube… [www.youtube.com]

Brain and IQ scores [fluoridealert.org]

Re: Toothpaste
August 03, 2017 02:57PM
It isn't that I think Fluoride is Ok, I don't, but I don't believe some of the things that were in the report you posted in which I responded to.

As I said I have been on Well water all my life, many people have, they are forgotten in this report That fact certainly doesn't give us immunity from a lot of the diseases that the article says comes from fluoride.

Re: Toothpaste
August 09, 2017 02:03PM
All I can say is I have used Crest pro and sensodyne toothpaste for years. My Dentist totally disagrees with the Fluroide controversy. Sometimes I feel the Holistic approach on many things besides fluroide is a money making Hoax.
I was raised for 25 years on well water with no purification system etc. I was raised in the country and that was Life.
My Dentist says that the amount of Fluroide in toothpaste is not enough to hurt a rat. I do not swallow the toothpaste and I rinse after brushing. Alkaline water does Zero for my sensitive teeth.

I will keep a open mind but some of what I have read seems far fetched. My Daddy is 85 and uses Crest pro every day.
Re: Toothpaste
August 09, 2017 09:37PM
Try Oil Pulling for your sensitive teeth. Google it a little bit. Curezone.com has a Oil Pulling forum. I use coconut oil mostly.
Yes, coconut oil pulling works great for whitening the teeth but also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral — meaning it works on detox, sinuses, strengthens gums, and teeth. ... It helps with sensitive teeth & even has reported to help TMJ sufferers like myself. + Prevents cavities & gingivitis.Mar 7, 2014
Re: Toothpaste
August 10, 2017 02:44PM
Smackman... dentists on the whole are totally brainwashed about the actual limits to benefits of fluoride insofar as decay prevention and the other detrimental effects of fluoride intake. He's mistaken about the toxicity of toothpaste..esp. for small bodies like a rat.

You recall I am a retired dental hygienist. who was once brainwashed about fluoride as well...if you've read my post on fluoride, then you know about my 'enlightenment' on the topic of safety issues.

That said... sensitive teeth can come from a variety of causes... the first is typically plaque accumulations left on the teeth overnight. This is acidic and actually 'etches' the surfaces where the root area is exposed. Enamel on the crowns is not typically sensitive, but the root surfaces aren't covered with enamel so are more pervious and likely to be affected by wear from hard, stiff toothbrush bristles, the scrubbing action or sawing back and forth rather than tiny vibration circles with a soft tooth brush or not flossing the entire exposed tooth surface at least before bed and sometimes twice a day if needed.

Brushing with baking soda neutralizes acidic oral pH...and for severe cases, gently brush after every meal and snack to prevent further erosion by acid of both crown and exposed root surfaces. Destructive occlusion can also make teeth sensitive as they are 'rocked and pounded' with every meal and the only solution for that is orthodontia.....and often a bite plane or night guard is required.

However, if you find that Sensodyne works for your sensitivity, and you have no long-term concerns about fluoride, then that's the way to go for you.

Afibbers... thanks for the link on the oil pulling... I had almost forgotten about that successful technique. Certainly economical and easy enough to do.

Re: Toothpaste
October 22, 2017 03:49AM
As with so many subjects on diet and supplements for keeping healthy i find Edgar Casey's answers as good and in many cases more apposite than the opinions contemporary scientists come up.

9/15/43 M. 55 yrs. (READING 3211-1)
Q-1. Regarding the universal approach: Is it true, as it is thought, that the intake of certain form and percentage of fluorine in drinking water
causes mottled enamel of the teeth?
A-1. This to be sure, is true: but this is also untrue unless there is considered the other properties with which such is associated in drinking water.
If there are certain percents of fluorine with free limestone, we will find it is beneficial. If there are certain percents with indications of magnesium, sulphur and the like, we will have one motley, another decaying at the gum.
Q-2. Does too much fluorine cause decay of teeth, and where is the border line?
A-2. Read what has just been indicated. It depends upon the combinations more than it does upon the quantity of fluorine itself. But, to be sure, too much fluorine in the water would not make so much in the teeth as it would in other elements or activities which may be reflected in teeth; not as the cause of same but producing a disturbance that may contribute to the condition.
but where there is iron or sulphur or magnesium, be careful.
To perfectly understand it would be preferable to understand these:
There are areas within the United States - such as in some portions of Texas, portions in Arizona, others in Wyoming - where the teeth are seldom ever decayed. Study the water there, the quantity of fluorine there, the lack of iron or sulphur or the proportions of sulphur; that is in the regular water.
There are many sections, of course, where fluorine added to the water, with many other chemicals would be most beneficial. There are others where, even a small quantity added would be very detrimental.
Hence it cannot be said positively that this or that quantity should be added save in a certain degree of other chemicals being combined with same in the drinking water.
But there are some places where you have few or none. For, here we will find a great quantity of either iron or sulphur, while in some places in the West - as in the central portion of Texas in certain vicinities, you won't find any decay. Certain cases in the North Western portion of Arizona, or close within some part of Chenyenne, Wyoming, will not be found to show decay - if the water that is used is from the normal source of supply. But where there have been contributions from other supplies of water,m there will be found variations in the supply of magnesium and other chemicals - as from the flowing over or arsenic and such - these cause destruction to the teeth.
Q - 4. Could the diet give the required amount of fluorine for prevention of decay?
A - 4. It could aid but depending upon the water and other conditions - there's no definite.
Q -13. Should drinking water in certain localities be prepared with a percentage of fluorine for prevention of decay and for prevention mottled enamel in teeth? If so, how and where?
A - 13. This would have to be tested in the various districts themselves, much as has been indicated. There's scarcely an individual place in Ohio that it wouldn't be helpful, for it will get rid of and add to that condition to cause a better activity in the thyroid glands; while, for general use, in such a district as Illinois (say in the extreme northern portion) it would be harmful. These would necessarily require testing, according to the quantities of other conditions or minerals or elements in the water.

And so, i suspect, it is with afib - lack of understanding how our bodies function and what influences our organism. We certainly don't suffer from a deficiency of beta blockers, blood thinners, ablations etc. - these are all symptoms that are treated at a great cost of $ and quality of life.
Alas, at this stage we don't seem to be able to garner superior advise so we have to muddle on and keep learning.
At least it's a good business for folks employed in the disease care systemwinking smiley
Re: Toothpaste
October 22, 2017 10:22AM
Joe - Your final summary observation is wonderfully astute. I totally agree but the good news is with the progress, success and acceptance of Functional Medicine approaches to old problems, many are being resolved by addressing the cause or source of the symptoms... and not just masking with drugs or worse, resorting to surgical procedures which could have been avoided had the fundamentals been assessed properly.

The topic of the dangers of fluoridation has been presented here in detail. Fortunately, some communities are now winning the battle to prevent municipal water from being fluoridated.

Check through these archived posts:


Re: Toothpaste
October 23, 2017 04:03AM
Thank you Jackie!
We don't seem to have many high caliber medically qualified Functional Medical Practitioners here in Melbourne, Australia. We have some quite good alternative ones.
I think it is down to our (and probably your) business model of medical practice and adherence to 'Standards of Care' so aggressively policed by our AMAs...?

Anyway, we are lucky to have the net and many good people, including yourself, doing their best to contribute and help.
smileys with beer
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