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Erling Mørk's AF Natural Treatment path -- an update:

Posted by Erling-Moerk 
Erling Mørk's AF Natural Treatment path -- an update:
May 02, 2016 03:27PM
Now 88, I've been blessed with NSR since 74 yo! For background please see Erling Mørk Waller's story in
CR Session 61 [www.afibbers.org] Thank you Dear Peggy!

The rest of the story follows:

In 1982 I took an engineering job at the huge Space Shuttle Ground Support Systems construction project on the California coast. As the project approached completion I was offered a transfer to the company’s plant in Denver Colorado. Hurray! There I’d be able to indulge my passion for skiing without the long drives! I gladly accepted. I was 57 when moving to Denver in ‘85. In excellent health I had no reason to ever think about the workings of my heart. I looked forward to retiring in ‘91 and transitioning to my alternate career of home design and construction. Life was good and would always be good - or so I thought.

In 1990, age 62, I began experiencing occasional blips in my chest. Concerned the health insurance might run out when retiring I chose to have a full cardio workup. Cardiologist Richardson watched the ECG while I worked on the treadmill. He noted ‘inverted T waves’ at max effort and thought it best to do a follow-on test to check for ischemia, a possible cause. Turned out the heart was properly perfused so the palpitations were of no further concern to him, or to me.

In the fall of ’95, age 67, first time long-lasting arrhythmia had me in my doctor's office. She called for an ambulance to take me to the hospital. In the ambulance the EMT prepared to give me a shot of something. I asked what it was?’ He said ‘adenosine‘. I asked what it was for? He said it’s to stop your heart... momentarily. I said Oh no you don’t
In the hospital chest x-rays were taken then I was wheeled to a bed for overnight observation. When I next saw my doctor I asked why the chest x-rays? With a sardonic look she rubbed her fingers together $$

Nice cardio Dr. Steele came by in the morning. He had looked at the ECG and said it was atrial flutter. He asked me to see him in his office. He told the nurse to digitize me. I had visions of that Star Trek thing were the guy gets all fuzzy and winds up somewhere else.

In the office with nice cardio Dr. Steele I hoped to learn the cause of the flutter and what might be done about it. He said to take some pills and handed me a free sample of something, saying if they don't work come back and I'll give you a different free sample to try. So instead of the knowledge I sought I wound up with knowledge about cardio science -- night / day different from the sciences I was used to (which reminds me, inexpensive copies of the excellent text Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems by Lauralee Sherwood are readily available online)

Thus began a rather tortuous self-taught Physiology 101, beginning at the close-by Jefferson County Library, ultimately at the wonder-full Dennison Library of Colorado U. Med School where the cause/cure of my AF/ flutter woes would be gradually worked out -- ‘gradually’ being 7 years from first to last AF, ‘95 to ‘02. Mind you, these were the dark ages before this forum's existence and before Al Gore invented the internet.

In somewhat general terms, what I learned there and applied became my ‘status report’ that Peggy M. kindly assembled with many others into CR Session 61. I’ve always considered that report to be ‘interim’, to be finalized someday if the cure should hold. Note my question at the end: “Am I cured?” I believe 14 years qualifies for cure so today I’m filing this final report and closing the book on Erling Mørk.

To summarize: using the 'scientific method' [www.sciencebuddies.org], the cure came about by optimizing a) cell-membrane functionality, b) optimizing cell energy synthesis (Mg-ATP) produced mainly within the multi- membraned mitochondria, c) optimizing synthesis of membrane ion channels and pumps, such as the protein Na/K ATPase (sodium/ potassium pump enzyme) which, as with all proteins/enzymes, requires copious magnesium in order to be synthesized. One might say that heart rhythm - life itself - is all about membranes, about the proper care and feeding of the body membranes. In his book The Biology Of Belief ‘quantum’ cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton calls membranes magical. Not only are membranes functionally analogous to this computer keyboard, they provide linkage to The All, i.e. intuition. And, it’s a proven fact that membranes are in tune with ones thoughts and modify the cells' workings accordingly, That’s why I put up Lissa Rankin MD’s Mind Over Medicine, also those Einstein quotes. If Einstein said it who are we to argue?

So why this constant heavy focus on magnesium? Well, for one thing magnesium is needed for synthesis of membranes and inclusion in the membranes. So one might say that membranes are all about the right lipids and magnesium - and I did and still do. From [en.wikipedia.org] Biological cell membranes are polyanionic surfaces. This has important implications for the transport of ions, in particular because it has been shown that different membranes preferentially bind different ions. Both Mg2+ and Ca2+ regularly stabilize membranes by the cross-linking of carboxylated and phosphorylated head groups of lipids.

It was obvious right away that I’d gotten lucky by assembling just some of the AF puzzle pieces, so the research continued in order to bring out ‘the rest of the story’, that being the flurry of recent posts. One thing I knew for sure when entering Physiology 101 in the library was that intuition would guide me to cure, just as it had always guided me in life. Call it universal consciousness, The All, God, whatever, it’s there to be tapped into.

Don't worry, be happy! sez Alfred E. Neuman. Who are we to argue?

Now I will continue and complete the current topic Pro-AF effect of low intracellular magnesium which is really about its effect on cell membranes thus cells thus AF.


Since being ‘cured’ I’ve had occasion to ponder the years between arriving in Denver and onset of palpitations ultimately becoming AF. Why was it that I had been perfectly free of any heart rhythm anomalies from birth until arriving in Denver? Was it something about Denver’s water? Ah ha, there was, and is. It was several years after ’taking the cure’ that I set out on 'a voyage of discovery'. In Appendix C of Dr.s Seelig and Rosanoff’s marvelous The Magnesium Factor there’s a table of magnesium and calcium levels in waters of 20 US cities, developed by request by geologist Dennis Hibbert. Denver’s water has 4 times as much calcium as magnesium, a recipe for AF - and heart disease, See Figure 1.4 p.17:
Ischemic Heart Disease Rates Correlated With Dietary Calcium/Magnesium Ratios
In addition, Denver water is fluoridated, damaging any/all body proteins by undoing the bonds between adjacent amino acids that determine the protein’s structural / functional configuration. (to understand the full hazards of fluoride / fluoridated water see [www.afibbers.org] Those are reasons Jackie and I set out to replicate Australian pathologist Russell Beckett PhD’s Unique Water, its Mg and bicarbonate ingredients / levels posted to this forum by Tasmanian dentist Rod. The method for making it was in Dr. Beckett’s patents if one looked hard enough: Mg hydroxide + CO2 becomes ionized Mg-bicarbonate having the unique function of co-transport into body cells thus bypassing the cells’ Mg pumps and raising the cells’ pH - a very good thing indeed.

Read about the hazards of fluoride and fluoridated water: [www.afibbers.org]

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2016 04:14PM by Shannon.
Re: Erling Mørk's AF natural treatment path -- an update:
May 06, 2016 06:42PM
Thanks, Erling, for posting your historical account of your Afib saga. I have some comments that I'll be adding soon.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2016 04:15PM by Shannon.
Re: Erling Mørk's AF natural treatment path -- an update:
May 07, 2016 02:46AM
Thanks for the Post, and yes someday we should update the CR Session 61.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2016 04:15PM by Shannon.
Re: Erling Mørk's AF cure -- an update:
May 07, 2016 05:53PM
Yes, please Peggy update CR Session 61 to include Anti-fib's success story as it is important for others to study.

Worried cuz haven't heard from you since your month ago "How i wish we would hear from our old friend and former regular correspondent Marshall. It was he who said he was having pac's, pvc's, xyz's, and eieio's"? Hope no eieio's for you?

Erling Mørk

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2016 06:35PM by Moerk.
Re: Erling Mørk's AF natural treatment path -- an update:
May 09, 2016 01:34PM
Erling... your AF saga and mine began in 1995. Truly, yours has a less complicated path than mine. I recall joining the forum as I was reaching the end of my tolerance for trying to manage mine with a combination of prescribed drugs and many natural interventions, though it wasn't until you presented your story and insisted that magnesium and potassium were core, essential nutrients that I really made much progress in reversing my ordeal. I so appreciated your taking me under your wing back then and guiding me to all that had helped you. I will be forever grateful for that information that helped me and so many others as you brought the importance of the critical electrolytes to the forum based on the science of many brilliant people. Back then we all had important, extensive posts on the topic

Obviously, I would have preferred not to have had to resort to the ablation process, but am enjoying life with a calm heart - at last - and hopefully, forevermore.... and my anti-afib lifestyle changes and nutritional protocols will remain in place for the rest of my days.

I think if I couldn't have access to anything else, I'd prioritize at the top of the protocol list the magnesium bicarbonate water concentrate that you formulated as a result of Dr. Beckett's observations. I totally agree that the importance of continually alkalizing the body and providing the highly beneficial ionized form of magnesium bicarbonate is a core imperative for health.

As for fluoride in the water, when I was in dental hygiene school, the history of fluoride was an obvious topic and one of the observations mentioned was the prevalence of "Colorado brown stain" or dental fluorosis of teeth of people who were born in areas with high, natural fluoride content. The appearance is unmistakable. I've seen many patients with it. Of course back then, nothing was said about fluoride's detrimental effects on the body. Even now, many people are totally unaware of the damaging effects of water fluoridation and not just mottled teeth and of course, the ADA isn't budging on it's stand. I am in agreement with you that undoubtedly your exposure to high calcium in the water and the fluoride contributed to your onset.

The good news is, you have prevailed and have an encouraging and important story to share. So thank you.
I so admire your spirit, tenacity and brain power. Happy 88!



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2016 04:16PM by Shannon.
Thank you Jackie!

It's been a 21 year project for us and an absolute delight working with you in unraveling the complexity of this AF puzzle! We knew it was guided from the outset, that full knowledge was always there to be discovered in the right place at the right time, often provided by an astonishing synchronicity, as with the unsought appearance of Mildred Seelig MD's 1980 masterpiece, the 450 page tome Magnesium Deficiency in The Pathogenesis of Disease, unlocking the next puzzle piece by opening, seemingly by magic, directly to Chapter 9, Magnesium Deficiency and Cardiac Dysrhythmia? And recall when biophysicist Jerry Tennant MD's Healing Is Voltage suddenly appeared, just when the relationship between cell pH and cell voltage was needed, thus tying together the brilliant work of Australian pathologist Russell Beckett PhD and his alkaline Unique Water (UW) which we copy-catted as WW? Never was the ages-old adage 'seek and you shall find' more apparent, or Henry Ford's present age 'If you believe you can, or believe you can't, you're right'. Belief that AF will be cured is the absolute first requirement, the rest is this knowledge properly applied. A major part of that is your expansive knowledge of nutrition.

Step by step for 21 years and here we are, the AF cause/cure knowledge complete. This forum has been invaluable for working things out and for passing along needed findings as they developed, but is it the right place for wider dissemination? Its reach seems too short and, so far at least, the knowledge is not well supported. Is the next step a book, or is the public so jaded it would be a wasted effort?

My sincere gratitude for these amazing years!

Erling Mørk

A few major resources:

-- Human Physiology - From Cells to Systems, Lauralee Sherwood
-- The Healing Nutrients Within, Eric Braverman MD, Carl Pfeiffer MD PhD, Ken Blum PhD, Richard Smayda DO
-- Magnesium Deficiency in The Pathogenesis of Disease, Mildred Seelig MD MPH [www.mgwater.com]
-- Spontaneous Healing, How to discover and enhance your body's natural ability to heal itself, Andrew Weil MD
-- Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock MD
-- To Be Healed By The Earth, Warren Grossman PhD
-- Living With The Himalayan Masters, Swami Rama
-- Autobiography of A Yogi. Paramahansa Yogananda
-- The Way of The Explorer, Edgar Mitchell DSc, Astronaut - Apollo 14 moon flight
-- Wayne Dyer EdD, The Power of Intention
-- The Heart of The Mind, Jane Katra PhD, Physicist Russell Targ
-- Mind Reach, Physicist Russell Targ, Harold Puthoff PhD
-- The Holy Man and The Psychiatrist, Samuel Sandweis PhD
-- Healing is Voltage, biophysicist Jerry Tennant MD
-- The High Blood Pressure Solution, Richard Moore MD PhD
-- The Salt Solution, Herb Boynton, Mark McCarty, Richard Moore MD PhD
-- The Sinatra Solution, Stephen Sinatra MD FACN
-- Paul and Janet Mason's incomparable magnesium research website [www.mgwater.com]

Two relevant quotes:

Biophysicist Richard Moore MD PhD in The Salt Solution:

"Only scientists who have spent their lives looking at these systems [the living cell] can truly appreciate what a fantastically interconnected system the cell actually is. A spider's web would be the best analogy I can think of, and a poor one at that. If you touch one part of the web, every other part moves also. But whereas the spider's web is a two-dimensional network, the living cell is a multidimensional network. Where the different regions of a spider's web move a bit when one part is touched, different regions of the living cell can go though whole transformations as a result of an initial change in just one particular part. The cell is a miraculously complex phenomenon indeed!"

Cell biologist Bruce Lipton PhD in The Biology of Belief:

"Cellular constituents are woven into a complex web of crosstalk, feedback and feedforward communication loops. A biological dysfuntion may arise from a miscommunication along any of the routs of communication flow. To adjust the chemistry of this complicated interactive system requires a lot more understanding than just adjusting one of the information pathway's components with a drug. . . Newtonian research scientists have not fully appreciated the extensive interconnectivity among the cell's biological information networks."

--Also In The Biology of Belief quantum cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton makes it clear that we are not victims of our genes, unless we believe we are, because proteins may be modified by information from the cell's outer membrane, the cell/biocomputer's keyboard equivalent. The cell's outer membrane is exquisitely sensitive to its environmental fields, which extend beyond physical substances in the extracellular fluid to include fields of thought.
Witness placebo/nocebo effects, and the myriad 'spiritual' healers such as Norbu Chen described by Dr. Edgar Mitchell in his 'The Way of The Explorer', the many reports in Swami Rama's 'Living with the Himalayan Masters' etc. Jesus of Nazareth is the Western world's historical example.

The famous international 'Human genome project' began in 1990 and set about counting the number of genes in the human DNA 'knowing' that one gene codes for one protein, and since the number of proteins comprising the human body was known, the number of genes should be the same. When the count was complete over 80% of the required genes were missing! Put another way, over 80% of the body's proteins are not coded for by the DNA. This gave rise to the new science of epi-genetics, literally information above the genes, including informational fields of thought.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2016 04:17PM by Shannon.
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