The AFIB Report

Your premier information resource for atrial fibrillation


Number 124
February/March 2013
13th Year

Welcome to our 13th year of publication! When the first issue of The AFIB Report was published in January 2001, as the only journal exclusively devoted to research in the field of lone atrial fibrillation (LAF), I had no idea of the fascinating journey ahead. In our first two years alone we made several ground-breaking discoveries most of which have since been confirmed by major, no doubt very expensive studies reported in mainstream medical journals. Some examples are:

  • Lone afibbers tend to be taller and more physically active than the norm.
  • The prevalence of LAF is significantly higher among men than among women (80:20 ratio).
  • LAF is not an old-age disease. The average age at diagnosis is 46 years.
  • There is a strong genetic component in LAF.
  • Emotional stress, physical overexertion, caffeine, MSG, alcohol, heavy meals, and cold drinks are common afib triggers.
  • Amalgam (silver) dental fillings may be a major trigger for LAF.
  • LAF is associated with magnesium deficiency.
  • There is a strong correlation between digestive problems and LAF.
  • Bowel disorders are more common among afibbers than among members of the general population.
  • Flare-ups of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) are a common trigger for LAF.
  • Over 70% of afibbers with vagally-mediated afib were prescribed drugs that are known to worsen their condition (beta-blockers, digoxin, sotalol).

In this our 124th issue we continue our trail-blazing research with an intriguing report by GeorgeN in which he provides convincing evidence that ginger may be highly effective in preventing vagally-mediated afib episodes. We also introduce a new feature, “Letters to the Editor”, as a means of sharing the experiences of fellow readers.

Also in this issue we report that low serum magnesium levels are associated with an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation, that acupuncture may be effective in preventing vagal afib episodes, that the anti-inflammatory drug colchicine is effective in preventing afib recurrence after catheter ablation, and that “real world” bleeding risk with warfarin is substantially higher than reported in clinical trials.

Last but not least, if you need to restock your supplements, please remember that by ordering through my on-line vitamin store you will be helping to defray the cost of maintaining the web site and bulletin board. You can find the store at - your continuing support is very much appreciated. Wishing you good health and lots of NSR,


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The AFIB Report